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An international online magazine that publishes Surrealist poetry in English.

Issue One




R       E        V       E        L        A       T        I        O       N

R       E        V       E        A       L        R       E        A       L

R       E        V       E        L        R       E        V       E        L

V       A       L        U       E        R       A       T        I        O

R       A       T        I        O        N       A       L        E       S

L        O       V       E        R       L        E        V       E       R

L        E        A       V       E        L        O       V       E       R

V       O       L        I        T         I        O       N       I        S

R       E        A       L        R       E        V       O       L        T

R       E        E        V       A       L        U       A       T        E

R       E        V       O       L        U       T        I        O       N

Dilys Rose was born in Glasgow, Scotland. She studied at Edinburgh University, where she has been teaching Creative Writing since 2001. She is currently Director of the MSc in Creative Writing by Online Learning. Her first collection, Madame Doubtfire's Dilemma, was published by Chapman in 1989. More recently she has published Lure (Chapman, 2003) and Bodywork (Luath, 2007), as well as a few novels, the latest being Unspeakable (Freight Books, 2017), and a collection of her short stories. 

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