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SurVision Magazine

An international online magazine that publishes Surrealist poetry in English.

Issue Nine



Birth Certificate

Behind the left knee   my birth certificate reads
false bird destined to walk upright
against her will
as the summit issues tickets
to high-flying feats of blue doves
with six-foot wing spans
spanning continents and bowling greens
with shadows cast
on precious metal eggs
holding miniature notebooks

From Egg Teeth


Be patient
in time
even an egg
will walk


Breathe in the pleated royal headdress
the blinding sails where calmness shines
through a great voice saying

vermouth, Campagne, dry sherry,
Compari, Muscadet, Martini,
Beaujolais nouveau

to stimulate the serration of leaves
the rippling of grasses
the birth of stars and galaxies

an egg in the morning
& an egg at night


Nourishment depends on heaven & the rain
falling on peaks that pierce the cloud cover

cowbirds lay their eggs
in other birds' nests –
especially warblers, vireos & sparrows –
in flocks over farmland

avian dinosaurs
dropped a lot of shit
on bird watchers

sipping a concoction
of early morning egg yolks
& Guinness stout

Janet Hamill is from New York. Her most recent book, A Map of the Heavens: Selected Poems 1975-2017, was published by Spuyten Duyvil Press, Brooklyn, NY in March 2020.  She is presently wrapping up her first novel, Madam Bogart, to be published by Spuyten Duyvil Press in late 2021 or early 2022. 

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